Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Should I borrow from my parents?

I recently got an e-mail asking me if it was okay to accept a loan from this person's parents. This person believes it is okay and actually borrowed money on two occasions from family members and it worked out.

Check out my previous post to understand my point of view on borrowing money from family. Out of Bounds.

I thought he had a valid point that I wanted to address on the blog. I am glad that borrowing money from your family worked out. However, what I am still saying is truth and it's good advice. You can drive down the road 100 miles per hour and get where you are going in one peace; but that does not prove it was a good idea.

In most instances families can produce strain on those involved and usually will be followed by regret. The borrower is always slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7) and Thanksgiving Dinner tastes different when you are eating with your master.