Monday, August 27, 2007

Watch out for Identity Theft

I used to not really take this idea seriously because I thought that it would not happen to me. I did not go to questionable websites nor did I give out my information to anyone that I didn't have 100% certainty what it was used for.

However, it is getting trickier and tricker to protect yourself from Identity Theft. For instance, I use paypal on a monthly basis but not a ton. I got this email a week ago saying that my account was frozen due to inactivity and needed to unfreeze my account. The e-mail looked EXACTLY like the paypal e-mails. Then when I clicked the link it took me to a site that had a web address that looked legitimate and had "paypal" in it somewhere. The page even looked exactly like the paypal website.

It asked me for my ss#, bank card #, and other things that paypal might normally ask for. Then I questioned what I was doing because I wanted to think twice before I put this information in. I hovered my mouse over the page to see where the links on the page would take me and came to find out there were no links at all on the page. The entire page was just paypal graphics.

On the page before they had me "log in," so I decided to click back and log in again but this time use an incorrect password. I came to find out that it still let me through. It was a scam.

I notified paypal immediately and change my password. I am thankful that I did not click submit and give out all my information.

Be on your guard against identity theft because it would be easy to fall in a trap if you are not careful. Matthew 10:16 actually tells us to be shrewed as snakes. Jesus was telling his disciples when sending them out to not be taken advantage of. I think this is still very insightful in today's age.