Friday, August 31, 2007

Two Column Budgets

I received an e-mail saying:

"I am trying to do my first budget but I am having trouble with it because I get paid in the 15th and the last day of each month. While my bills are due at different times during the month. Any advice?"

My suggestion is to have a two-column budget. The first column represents the first paycheck of the month and the other represents the second paycheck of the month. Place the amount that you are bringing in out the top of each column and spend (plan) every dollar on paper for that pay period.

If your power bill is due on the 5th that is the first column. But then cell phone is on the 19th that is the second column. Then adjust categories that have some flexibility (like clothes can be budgeted on whichever pay period has some room.)

I encourage you to keep it up. It takes practice and you will constantly be getting better at it. It is extremely hard at first but most things in life that are worth doing are like that.